ENGLISH IDIOM (englishclub.com)

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Idiom dalam bahasa Inggris adalah ekspresi kata yang memiliki makna kiasan, jadi kita belum tentu dapat mengartikan idiom per kata, melainkan harus sepenuhnya dipahami.

26th of February 2013
On your last legs | On its last legs
Status: Informal
Meaning: If you say you're on your last legs, it can mean you're close to exhaustion, or it can mean you're close to death. If a thing is on its last legs, it's close to breaking or wearing out.
(Jika kalian bilang ‘you're on your last legs’ berarti kalian dekat dengan rasa lelah, atau dapat diartikan dekat dengan kematian. Jika ada sesuatu pada ‘last legs’ kalian, artinya dekat dengan rasa lelah.)

1. Bobby looks like he's on his last legs. Do you think he can make it to the top of the mountain?
2. My old printer is on its last legs. It's time I got a new one.


27th of February 2013
Nip it in the bud
Status: Formal
Meaning: If you say nip something in the bud, you stop a problem from becoming serious by dealing with it as soon as you notice it.
(Jika kalian berkata 'nip something in the bud' berarti kalian menghentikan permasalahan secepatnya sebelum menjadi masalah yang benar-benar serius)

1. Alan has a serious weight problem. Now he wishes he'd nipped it in the bud by eating less and exercising more when he was first starting to put on weight. 
2. I was starting to drink too much alcohol, so I nipped it in the bud and stopped drinking altogether before it became a serious problem.

Asal: Ini adalah idiom kiasan berdasarkan dari kehidupan nyata bahwa jika kalian ingin menghentikan pertumbuhan tanaman, maka kalian dapat memotong tunasnya, atau "memetik tunas".


28th of February 2013

Come a cropper
Status: Informal - British English
Meaning: If you come a cropper, you fall over, or you make a mistake which has serious consequences for you.
(Jika kalian memiliki kesalahan, kalian terjatuh, atau membuat kesalahan yang memiliki akibat bagi kalian)

1. The prime minister came a cropper while coming down the steps and hurt his backside.
2. A radio announcer really came a cropper when he made a racist remark. He lost his job and now he can't get another one.

Jenis: Idiom ini biasanya digunakan pada bahasa Inggris British tetapi dapat juga digunakan pada jenis bahasa Inggris lainnya (American, Australian, dan lainnya).


1st of March 2013

Eyes like a hawk

Meaning: If someone has eyes like a hawk, they have very good eyesight and they notice everything.

(Jika seseorang mempunyai mata seperti burung elang, berarti mereka mempunyai pandangan yang sangat baik dan mereka mempunyai perhatian terhadap segalanya)


1. One of the president's bodyguards is over sixty, but he's still got eyes like a hawk. Just last year he spotted a guy pulling out a gun fifty yards away, and saved the president's life by pushing him to the ground. 

2. You need eyes like a hawk to be a line judge at Wimbledon, especially these days when the top tennis players hit the ball so fast.

Asal: Simile Idiom berhubungan dengan fakta that elang merupakan burung dengan pengelihatan luar biasa yang baik. 


2nd of March 2013

Just in time | just in the nick of time
Meaning: If you do something just in time, or just in the nick of time, you do it just before time runs out.
(Jika kalian melakukan sesuatu 'just in time', atau 'just in the nick of time', berarti kalian melakukannya tepat sebelum waktu habis)

1. Jamie got his application form in just in time. If it had arrived a day later, it would've missed the deadline.
2. I got to the station just in the nick of time and jumped on the train just as it was leaving.


4th of March 2013

Neither here nor there

Meaning: You can say something is neither here nor there if it's not important, or not relevant.
(Kalian dapat mengatakan sesuatu itu tidak disini juga tidak disana jika hal tersebut tidak penting, atau tidak berhubungan)

1. Whether we like a band or not is neither here nor there. The only thing that matters is whether we can sell enough tickets to their concert.
2. Her popularity among the other teachers is neither here nor there. What's important is her ability to teach her students.


6th of March 2013

The worse for wear

Meaning: If something is the worse for wear, it has been damaged by being used a lot. If a person is the worse for wear, they don't feel well.
(Jika sesuatu lebih buruk untuk dipakai, berarti telah terjadi kerusakan parah karena sering dipakai. Jika seseorang 'worse for wear', dia tidak akan merasa nyaman) 

1. Don't you think we should have the sofa recovered? It's looking a little the worse for wear.
2. Tom looks a bit the worse for wear this morning. I bet he was out drinking with his buddies last night.


10th of March 2013

See through rose-coloured glasses | rose-colored glasses

Meaning: If someone sees things through rose-coloured glasses, they see things as being better than they really are.
(Jika seseorang melihat sesuatu melalui kacamata berwarna mawar, berarti mereka melihat sesuatu lebih baik daripada kenyataannya)

1. Tina sees things through rose-coloured glasses, so when things aren't going very well, she won't do anything to improve the situation.
2. If you have the courage and maturity to see things as they really are, you'll no longer need to see things through rose-colored glasses

1. "Rose-coloured glasses" is British spelling and "rose-colored glasses" is American spelling.
2. This idiom can also be expressed as "see through rose-tinted glasses" or "see through rose-tinted spectacles".

Source: englishclub

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